A New Hymnal: Next Steps

Hymnal Update

The Worship Committee would like to thank everyone for the feedback you have provided as we have researched newer hymnals that might enrich our worship together. Your thoughts and concerns support our guiding principles that a hymnal must be biblically based, support our reformed tradition of worship, honor the centuries of great hymns that have been foundational to our worship, and include the best of the more recent hymns that can deepen our worship.

We reviewed several hymnals and are excited to report that we have found one which we feel will support our worship for years to come. Lift Up Your Hearts is, as the editors write, a collection of hymns that is “biblical, Reformed, balanced and accessible.” It contains the hymns we have treasured for generations as well as the best of new hymns, songs from the global church and settings of all the psalms. In addition the hymnal is a rich source of prayers, litanies, scripture readings and creeds that will enhance our worship.

We would like to make a more detailed presentation about the hymnal and encourage you to attend the February 1st Family Night Supper to learn more about Lift Up Your Hearts. We think you will agree that the creators of this hymnal succeeded in creating a resource that “is deep enough to give voice to our praises and laments, contain both our sung prayers and God’s words to us, and play a significant role in the faith formation of Christians young and old alike.” The purchase of new hymnals will be totally supported by donations. Each hymnal will cost $20 and there will be the opportunity to designate hymnals in honor or memory of loved ones. Donations can be made by check or online to the Hymnal Fund.

Steve Baxley, Worship Committee chair

Click here for Hymnal Fund donation forms, or see below!

First Presbyterian Church Hymnal Fund

We are starting to collect donations for the new Hymnal Fund. The cost of each hymnal will be $20. If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of someone, please fill in the information below and return it to the church office (forms will be available to you on Sunday mornings). Bookplates will be added to hymnals as designated.

Name: ________________________________


In Honor / Memory of (circle one):

Name __________________________________

Given by _________________________________

Questions? Contact Steve Baxley or Pastor Blake Daniel.
Learn more about Lift Up Your Hearts by clicking here.