Children and Youth discipleship

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The mission of Children’s Ministry at FPC

Our mission is to be a church body that partners with and walks alongside parents to build a solid biblical foundation for our children to build their lives upon. In doing so we seek to honor the unique role of children in the body by teaching them the Christian faith, encouraging them towards articulating their faith, and equipping them to live out their faith in the world. We seek to establish a strong connection to the community of believers such that our children understand that they have a place to turn to in times of celebration and need as they grow in “wisdom and stature and favor with God and with humankind” (Luke 2:52).

The importance of Children’s Ministry at FPC

Matthew 19:14 records a beautiful moment in Jesus’ ministry that sets the tone for what we are called to do at First Presbyterian Church. In this passage, Jesus’ disciples are trying to shoo away a group of children who have approached Jesus. Jesus reprimands his disciples and welcomes the children, saying, “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these” (The Message). As the church of Jesus Christ, we are called to welcome children into our midst, providing a safe and loving place for them to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Email our Children's Ministry Director for more information.

Children's Sunday School

Children's Sunday School classes meet from 10:00-10:45 a.m. every Sunday morning.  

  • Nursery (birth to 3 years)- Lilly Matheson, Sam Burki - First floor

  • Preschool to 2nd Grade - Teachers: Heather Monar, Anne Sylvester - Main building, upstairs

  • 3rd & 4th Grades - Main building, upstairs

  • 5th to 8th Grades - Teachers: Marjorie Eyre, Roger & Amanda Murajda, Jess Jones, Drew Umphlett - Mary Jay Patten Center, 1st floor

  • High School - Teacher: Casey Walawender - Mary Jay Patten Center

Children's Church

Children's Church takes place during the 11:00 worship service on Sunday mornings. Children aged 4 through 2nd grade come forward for the "Children's Message" during the service.  Following this, they will go with a leader to Children's Church, a child-friendly continuation of the worship service.

Child Protection Policy

Church should be a safe place for all children. We have adopted a Child Protection Policy that every church staff member and volunteer who works with children must be familiar with. Please call or email the church office if you would like a copy of this policy.