
Loving our neighbors as ourselves means we are sent out to participate in the mission of God. This requires us to give generously of our time, our talents, and our resources for the sake of God's Kingdom. Giving with regularity is an opportunity to live out our mission and to respond to the grace we've received.  And now it's easier than ever!  Simply click the black box above.


"Tithe" is a word derived from an Old English word meaning tenth. So, while people often throw the term around loosely to describe gifts to the church, tithing is the practice of giving a tenth (10%) of one's income back to God, mainly through the local congregation but also to the poor directly.

Tithing is not mandatory for membership at FPC, nor is it a means of Christian salvation, yet it is a part of our discipleship. Jesus spoke frequently about radical financial generosity, and we at FPC believe that financial giving reminds us of our dependence on God and reorients us to the values and the vision of his Kingdom. 

Should you give financially to FPC, your finances will be used for current church operating expenses as well as community benevolences. Please contact our treasurer for more information by calling the church office, or feel free to mail a contribution (made payable to First Presbyterian Church) to:

First Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 2152
Sylva, NC 28779

You can also set up online giving or a recurring bankdraft through your bank or click the "Online Giving" box above.