God Moment - 3/30/2020

God Moment - Erin Daniel - March 30, 2020

My word to myself for the week ahead is this: it's OK to live in the tension.

I don't know about you, but I was telling my husband over dinner that just today alone, there were moments I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me (when I read the latest death toll in Italy), and moments I laughed so hard I cried, and moments I lost my cool over (rare) 8-year-old tantrums, and moments I felt so tired I was sleepwalking through normal conversation.

My point is, we are all processing this pandemic so uniquely that it requires exponential grace for myself and for others. It's OK to live in the tension between sadness and joy, between fear and hope, and between discontentment and gratitude. There is so much outside our control about what the next few weeks and months will look like, but on the other hand, there is so much WITHIN our control, too. Here's to week three and living in the tension, with abundant grace.

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