God Moment - 4/2/2020

God Moment - Tim & Barbara Boyer - April 2, 2020

Hello from the sands of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  We are now in Week 3 of distance learning.  Presently, we are in a 21-day lock down state in which we have a curfew from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. that we must stay in our homes.  Even during the day, we are not allowed to be in large groups in our neighborhood-which is good!  There have been no restaurants, malls, or other type of stores open now for 2 weeks. Grocery stories and pharmacies are still open. No buses, taxis, Ubers, trains, or airplanes moving.  We are to be still...

So we think about the scripture that says to "Be still and know that I am God!".  I like to think of it as being still and being mindful of God's presence. We all find it difficult to be still.  Long hours on the computer, trying to help families continue with their educational program is really tough for everyone, but God is ever presence and we find ourselves talking to God out loud!

We have a community of believers here and we have been meeting in a home to share prayers, scripture reading, and supporting one another, which we will now do virtual and we are grateful.  We have a prayer group in What's App...people I don't even know...and we pray for one another.

So we pray for everyone, especially for our health care providers who are truly on the front lines of this.  We wish we could do more!


Barbara and Tim Boyer