God Moment - 4/9/2020

God Moment - Beth Baxley - April 9, 2020

I stopped off at UCM yesterday to donate food items, an easy and safe thing to do with the procedures they have set in place now. There, on the front lines, faithful as ever, was Betty Foti and her wonderful cohorts, true disciples. 


There are so many in our church family ministering every day, in many ways. Some are on the front lines caring for those in need as Betty is. Some are caring for the sick in hospitals, at home, in the community. Some are running errands and doing chores to assist those who are fragile or at risk. Some are calling or writing notes of encouragement. There  are so many ways the Lord is moving our people to love and serve, some that only only He and His servants know.

In this unparalleled time, how wonderful to see that our church family is living our church mission: to make disciples who love Jesus Christ, love the church, and love their neighbors as themselves.

May we continue to listen and obey as the Lord guides us in how to love and serve.