God Moment - 5/20/2020

God Moment - James McManus - May 20, 2020


There is something special about being "in" the sunrise and two times it hits home for me is deer hunting and fishing. The quiet time spent alone waiting on either clients or the big ones gives me that thin space where I'm able to just sit, no calls, no talking or doing, just sitting. I don't read scripture or pray consciously, but am definitely in the presence of God. It's a renewing time when the rest of the world seems distant and unimportant and prepares me for what's coming down the road. I feel like this COVID time can be a similar space so hope to take advantage before we get back to normalcy. One thing I really enjoy is sharing some of this with guiding, it sometimes leads to talking about God and other times just exposes folks to what He has created. 
