God Moment - 9/2/2020

God Moment - Courtney Umphlett - September 2, 2020

I went for a walk the other night heavy hearted. There’s a lot going on in the world and to, bring more heaviness, there is also a lot going on with my blood family. I was having one of those nights of being overwhelmed with the immensity of it all, weighed down by the weight of hatred, sickness, destruction, and loss of normalcy.  

As I was walking, I would notice briefly some cool cloud shapes outlined by the light of the moon shining behind. It kept grabbing my attention and suddenly I felt God say “Stop. Sit. Watch.”


I plopped down in the middle of my very secluded driveway(no chance of random cars to come flying by) and watched. The clouds suddenly began to move. The voice of God whispered to me one of my favorite parts of scripture “A light shines in the darkness and darkness has not overcome it.”  Slowly but determinedly, the moon pushed its way out from behind the clouds and shined bright for all the world to see. The word of God kept repeating itself “A light shines in the darkness and darkness has not overcome it.”

Friends, we must remember that the love, grace, and power of God is far more than we can ever imagine. It is so easy to put God in a box, to think that He is unconcerned with our small and big worries, to believe that, yes, He is omnipotent but maybe not completely powerful. But, those our doubts we must push aside at this moment of history. We must let our lights shine like this moon through the clouds. We must let the love of God rise up in us until it overflows and spills to our neighbors and our enemies. We must know that God cares even about the lilies. How much more does He care for us?

With God’s love, our light shines in the darkness and darkness will not overcome it.