Join us this fall for a study of the book A Walk Through the Bible by Lesslie Newbigin!
We will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:00pm, starting Sept. 27.
Books can be purchased at City Lights Bookstore for $12.
Please contact the Church Office if you need childcare!
09/27 – Week 1 – Ch. 1: A Unique Account
10/04 – No Meeting (Family Night Supper)
10/11 – Week 2 – Ch. 2 & 3: Chosen by God
10/18 – Week 3 – Ch. 4: Judges, Kings and Prophets
10/25 – Week 4 – Ch. 5: Return and Renewal
11/01 – No Meeting (Family Night Supper)
11/08 – Week 5 – Ch. 6: God’s Kingdom and Jesus
11/15 – Week 6 – Ch. 7: Sacrifice
11/22 – No Meeting (Thanksgiving Break)
11/29 – Week 7 – Ch. 8: Future Revelation
“What is there within the Bible? What sort of house is it to which the Bible is the door? What sort of country is spread before our eyes when we throw the Bible open? The answer is a strange, new world – the world of God.”