Maundy Thursday Worship

The Meaning of Maundy Thursday

Today the church remembers the last evening Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest, crucifixion, and burial.  The word “maundy” comes from the Latin “mandatum novum,” referring to the “new commandment” Jesus taught his disciples (John 13:34).  This is a sacred and a somber time, yet it is not without hope — for we know that out of the darkness of the tomb shines the brilliant light of resurrection on Easter morning.


“Ave Verum Corpus” - performed by Michael Collings

Call to Worship – John 3:16-17 (The Message)

This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. 

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, you sent your Son by the power of the Holy Spirit to suffer the shame of the cross – all for us. Keep us from hardness of heart, that we may see Jesus, turn from our sins and struggles, and receive the gift of his grace anew.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Opening Song

“What Wondrous Love Is This”

Scripture Readings


Closing Songs

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”

“Is He Worthy?”

Silent Meditation

Maundy Thursday

We welcome all to join us for an observance of Maundy Thursday tomorrow at First Presbyterian Church. We will meet at 6:00 p.m. for dinner, followed by the Lord’s Supper, in the Fellowship Hall. After this (probably around 7:00), we will move into the sanctuary for a brief service of worship.


The name “Maundy Thursday” comes from the Latin mandatum novum, referring to the “new commandment” Jesus taught his disciples (John 13:34).  This is a sacred and a somber time, yet it is not a time without hope, for we know that out of the darkness of the tomb will shine the brilliant light of resurrection on Easter morning.

Click this link to learn more.

Reflections on Maundy Thursday

Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday.  What on earth does that mean?

On Maundy Thursday the church remembers the last evening Jesus shared with his disciples in an upper room before his arrest and crucifixion.  During this evening, Jesus washed his disciples' feet and shared his "last supper" with them.

Image credit: Diane Herring

Maundy Thursday begins the Triduum, the three-day period from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Easter Sunday.  The name “Maundy Thursday” comes from the Latin mandatum novum, referring to the “new commandment” Jesus taught his disciples (John 13:34).*

At First Presbyterian Church, our worship service on Maundy Thursday is the primary midweek event during Holy Week.  As such, our service also draws attention to Good Friday and the suffering, death, and burial of our Lord.  The removal of the elements from the sanctuary represents the humiliation, nakedness, and abandonment of Jesus as he was arrested and crucified.  As we leave in silence, we contemplate the darkness of his death on the cross for us.

This is a sacred and a somber time.  Yet it is not a time without hope, for we gather as a people who know that out of the darkness of the tomb will shine the brilliant light of resurrection on Easter morning. 

It may be Thursday... but Sunday's coming.


P.S. - Take a look at the other resources for reflecting on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday:

“What Happened on the Cross?" - N.T. Wright responds

"Countdown to Calvary" - a new BBC series chronicling the last days of Jesus' life